@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001062, author = {駿地, 眞由美 and 馬場, 天信 and 深尾, 篤嗣 and 濱野, 清志 and 金山, 由美 and 村川, 治彦 and SURUJI, Mayumi and BABA, Takanobu and FUKAO, Atsushi and HAMANO, Kiyoshi and KANAYAMA, Yumi and MURAKAWA, Haruhiko}, journal = {臨床心理学部研究報告, Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology, Kyoto Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this research study is to focus on the experience of illness and to investigate how human beings experience their physical diseases and what kind of change they recognize on their life through the experience. In order to examine the general tendency, a massive quantitative survey with 1088 subjects was conducted. The results showed that the experience of illness produced various changes in oneʻs daily lifestyle practically and concretely, for example, obtaining accurate health information, eating balanced meals, having good sleep, and such. Also, it showed the experience of illness made influence on oneʻs personal relationships and way of life, not only negatively but also positively. This meant that the experience of illness took away oneʻs feeling of freedom and restricted oneʻs life and relationships in various aspects but it also led a better lifestyle according to the message from the body, new attitude on life and intimate relations with others. And it was suggested that the experience of illness varied according to sex and age. For example, compared with men in their 50ʻs, women in the same age experienced significant changes in their ways of life. It indicated the need to take into consideration the sex differences in each life cycle. Finally, some problems and significance of this study was pointed out and future prospects were discussed., 9, KJ00009226539, 論文, Article}, pages = {117--128}, title = {病の体験による生活・生き方の変化に関する基礎的研究}, volume = {6}, year = {2014}, yomi = {スルジマユミ and ババタカノブ and フカオアツシ and ハマノキヨシ and カナヤマユミ and ムラカワハルヒコ} }