@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001185, author = {名取, 琢自 and NATORI, Takuji}, journal = {人間学研究, Human studies : bulletin of Institute for Cultural and Human Research, Kyoto Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {人形浄瑠璃とセルアニメに関する深層心理学的考察の端緒として、ユング心理学における「リビドーの投影」を手がかりに、人形やアニメのロボットがどのような投影を引き受けたのか考察を試みた。リビドー表現の例としてマンガの超能力表現が非定型のエネルギーから人間型に展開した作品を紹介した。人形への投影はインドネシアのワヤン・クリも参照して検討し、人形浄瑠璃とロボットアニメの特性を比較した。, As a preliminary study about Ningyo Joruri (Japanese Puppet Drama) and Japanese Animation, the author examined the quality and content of projection attatched to them. The concept of "projection of libido" in Jungian psychology was utilized as a clue to understand how the somatic aspect expression shifts from formless energy to humanoid figure, refering to a Manga expression of superhuman ability. Indonesian shadow play, Wayang Kulit, was suggestive as an example of projection to puppet figure(s). Difference between the two was listed out., 15, KJ00004798670, 論文, Article}, pages = {103--114}, title = {人形浄瑠璃とロボットアニメ : 身体性と投影の視点から}, volume = {7}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ナトリ, タクジ} }