@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003060, author = {上松, 幸一 and UEMATSU, Koichi}, journal = {臨床心理学部研究報告, Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology Kyoto Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to understand and examine the recognition of experts in Japan and overseas about the ethical issues of Szondi-test. Primary recognition of Szondi-test's ethical issue in forein countries is that Szondi-test is unscientific. On the other hand, in japan, primary ethical issues of Szondi-test are considered that (1) to use face photos of mental disease person and criminal, (2) in the first place, to utilize faces of person as a tools, (3) to be bad influences by presenting strong invasive stimulus photos to testee. There was also a side where it can't be said that it was ethical partially by the current state as a response to recognition of our country, but the all could think it couldn't be said non-ethics-like. And in our country, there are person who recognize that Szondi-test is unscientific. But we must be careful consider whether they all recognize Szondi test as unethical. With respect to invasiveness, although there are relatively many people who feel the problem, in comparison with other projective tests , there is no recognition that significantly strong. There are several aspects of invasiveness, and it was speculated that this study focused only on the stimulus intensity of the photos.}, pages = {125--138}, title = {【研究ノート】ソンディ・テストにまつわる諸問題について―倫理的課題を中心に―}, volume = {12}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ウエマツ, コウイチ} }