@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003295, author = {井上, 嘉孝 and INOUE, Yoshitaka}, journal = {臨床心理学部研究報告, Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology Kyoto Bunkyo University}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to examine the significance and issues of how literature study contributes to clinical psychology. Although literature study is the basis of all research, it is often neglected as science. In addition, there are few articles that have taken up literature study as a research method for clinical psychology. Types of literature study include literature review, meta-analysis, and rare literature research. Literature reviews are considered to be of low originality and academic value, but are essential for any paper. Meta-analysis and rare literature research provide new paradigms and perspectives for the research area, and have high originality and academic value. Literature study is important for clarifying the horizon in a certain discipline, reexamining its framework, and generating original hypotheses. In particular, clinical psychology, in which the subject and the object are undifferentiated and has a complicated process, has characteristics closer to literature study than research that imitates the natural sciences. In addition, the practice and training of clinical psychology are supported by theory. Literature study is a process in which each researcher / therapist learns and thinks about the essence of clinical practice. The gap between clinical experience and literature sublimates clinical experience into psychological theory. Literature study in clinical psychology bridges the wisdom of practice and the wisdom of science, and has the potential to shape and transform the researchers / therapists themselves and the academic horizons of clinical psychology.}, pages = {8--24}, title = {臨床心理学に寄与する文献研究の専門性と独自性について}, volume = {14}, year = {2022}, yomi = {イノウエ, ヨシタカ} }