@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003322, author = {松田, 美枝 and 白水, 宗一 and 鶴身, 孝介 and 松田, 光一郎 and 二本柳, 覚 and MATSUDA, Yoshie and SHIROUZU, Soichi and TSURUMI, Kosuke and MATSUDA, Koichiro and NIHONYANAGI, Akira}, journal = {京都文教大学地域協働研究教育センター 地域協働研究ジャーナル, Journal of Local Collaborative Research and Education, Kyoto Bunkyo University Center of Local Collaborative Research and Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {With the increased prevalence and usage of the Internet and smart phones, online gamers,mainly young people, are increasing. When used in moderation, their usage can be balanced;however, having difficulties in keeping up with daily life and being constantly distracted by games and movies available on the Internet could lead to Internet and game addiction. It could also lead to serious mental and physical disorders and tamper with social relationships. We conducted action research using several methods and experiments. The study included open lectures on Internet and game addiction, counseling, and employment support. Further, we report on open lectures for public awareness.}, pages = {51--61}, title = {【研究ノート】ネット・ゲーム依存者とその家族および関係者への「正しい知識の普及」と回復支援に関するアクションリサーチ}, volume = {1}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マツダ, ヨシエ and シロウズ, ソウイチ and ツルミ, コウスケ and マツダ, コウイチロウ and ニホンヤナギ, アキラ} }