@article{oai:kbu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003416, author = {平塚, 力 and HIRATSUKA, Tsutomu}, journal = {総合社会学部研究紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Social Relations}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper is a basic study of the effectiveness of the sociological new institutional theory as an analytical model for management reform in Japanese universities from the standpoint of non-profit organizations, with two goals.  The first is to determine the effectiveness of sociological new institutionalism as an analytical model for university management, and the second is to clarify the reasons why research based on sociological new institutionalism has not been active in higher education research in Japan. This paper consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 reviews the sociological new institutional theory in its birth and enrichment phases, and clarifies its logic and methods for research on university management. Chapter 2 revisits the sociological new institutional theory based on sociology and management studies to complement its value as an analytical model of university management. Finally, Chapter 3 explains the paradoxical reason why sociological new institutionalism, a theory of institutional restraints on organizations, has been difficult to disseminate in Japan because of the historically strong institutional restraints on universities.}, pages = {63--85}, title = {大学経営研究の分析枠組みに関する一考察(1):社会学的新制度論の有効性を中心に}, volume = {24}, year = {2023} }